Perry Trailer Sales Cup Perry Trailer Sales CupJuly 9, 20233:00 p..m. WYTX defeated Century 21, 8-5MVP: Will JohnstonBPP: “Madonna ” played by Carlitos GalindoUmpires: Jose Barrientos, Eugenio Ferrari Winning Team – WYTX WYTX: Will Johnston, Katie George, Max Scott-Barnes, Zulu Scott-Barnes, with Lori and Dale Cahoy and Zack Scofield of Perry Trailer Sales Runner-up Team – Century 21 Century 21: Tom Sprung, Bob Brotherton, Joe Fitzsimons, Carlitos Galindo,and Rob Beckman, with Lori and Dale Cahoy and Zack Scofield of Perry Trailer Sales MVP – Will Johnston MVP: Will Johnston, with his crew Best Playing Pony – “Madonna” Best Playing Pony: “Madonna” with Carlitos Galindo and Oscar